Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Few Weeks Ago...

We took these at the beach down the road from our house about 2 weeks ago...

Getting SOOOO Tired

Work is more difficult every day. I have finally hit the wall with sleeping first of all. My assortment of pillows at every angle which has served me so well is no longer doing the trick. I probably am racking about 5 hours a night, which is not terrible but it's not too fun, either.

So I wake up tired, move slowly, get into the office at 8:30 which if you know me is REALLY late, and fall apart by 4pm. It's pathetic, dear.

I am getting more and more excited for this baby, too... every day I inspect my aches and pains for signs of labor. Everyone keeps telling me I'll know if for sure when it is here, but I can't cease the inspections. I just can't. I want Roter here. And I want some Sauvignon Blanc. More than 4 Oz.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tweeting Through Labor...

Do you plan to Tweet through your labor-- or did you? I've been reading quite a lot about this recently, especially Ev's wife (Pres of Twitter)-- who just tweeted through the whole labor and birth of her baby. A;pparently it can be a fun distraction. That alone is kind of enticing... but as one article contributor noted, you could end up giving away much more information than the "normal" you would-- and more information than anyone wants to read, too!

I am a little over the whole Twitter thing and not that anxious to be part of it... but at the same time, it could be a fun way to keep far-away family and friends involved?

Shower Time

My family threw a shower for me this past weekend. They went to so much trouble-- it was beautiful. I really wasn't into making everyone look at the boring baby gear or eat chocolate that looks like poo-- so we kept the "present opening" to about an hour and then invited the guys over for a bbq. We went through a heap of booze so I think everyone must have had fun! And in fact, although I was coveting the vino my friends and family cruised around the yard with, I was ok with my blackberry Diet Hansens.

Post-shower though: We have a freakin' bassinet in our room. EEEK! We are having a baby! It's finally REAL. It's going to happen. Whether I like it or not. (Which luckily I do)

I am in a way happy the shower is over. It felt like such a milestone and now that it's past, my only focus is the actual Birth of Roter. I can't believe it, and I am now feeling anxiety...

Anyone else out there praying for contractions? :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is There Definitely a Baby in There?

So this may come across as really weird to some people, but I have moments where I wonder if it's really a baby or whether the doctor has mistaken a giant parasite or disease for a living human. I do love scary movies and am prone to a wild imagination so I can chalk it up to that.

However, the closer I get to my due date, the more I picture a gross little worm wiggling around in there. I know, terrible weird thought. It kind of makes me laugh though. I mean, what if?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Make It Easy on Yourself

7 weeks left. I am tired. My legs ache and by 3pm at work I am pooped. Until this week, at precisely 3pm, I would begin beating myself up for not being tough enough-- I mean look at all those career women who work until they go into labor at their desks, commute into Manhattan and somehow manage also to still blow dry their hair!

Well kiddos. Today I am at my desk in cotton cut-off pants, sneakers and a Clifford the Big Red Dog t-shirt. I've given up trying to be fabulous in exchange for being what I need to be: Easy on myself. I realized if I don't chill now, when will I ever? It's not like it's going to be easier with the baby!

So my advice to anyone who might read this at any point... if you are pregnant, especially over 30 weeks-- relax. Put your feet up. Let your husband make dinner, and leave work at 4. You are growing a human bean after all.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Greed... The Greed!

I was so against having a baby shower for two reasons:
1. It felt strange hosting a party for which the primary purpose is to receive gifts (I had the same trouble with the wedding shower)
2. I didn't want to make people come over in the middle of their Saturday to eat silly foods and watch me open up the boring gifts mentioned above.

Wedding showers are slightly better because a) they tend to be a little more Boozy, and b) the gifts are *definitely* more interesting to the crowd in general.

So that all aside, I was informed that a shower would happen with or without my consent to I better get on board because I'd "be happy later to get all those gifts."

My mom, mother in law and I agreed on a "half shower": One hour of all girls opening the gifts, and then a nice backyard BBQ with boys and no games or gift opening for the remainder of the evening. Perfect! Still a little uncomfortable, but do-able.

Well, now guess what. Guess what websites I check daily to see what changes have occured in my favor? That's right. Target and Babies R Us. Every morning I feverishly log on and scroll down to the purchased area to see what I got. And as the shower looms closer the more feverish I get. What has happened to the woman who three short months ago didn't care if I had a bouncy seat or not? Or a wipe warmer? Or a Boppy. Better yet what happened to the woman who was blissfully unaware of any product with the unforunate "Boppy" name. Sigh (lip corners turn down slightly).

I want to know when that baby bath or my Bunny Meadow Lamp is getting purchased and will it happen in the next 8 days??? Wait did I say "my"? I meant "my baby's" of course. Of course!

The new me is apparently a greedy, 30-pounds heavier version of my former self. And from what all the nice onlookers tell me, this is just the beginning. Oy.